All in Music

27. Redemption - Zacari and Babes Wodumo

But they’re still ‘different’ in a world driven by people that value ‘sameness’.

So the sheer power of them buying a ticket and going to the movies with their friends and seeing people on the screen that kinda look like their dad, or their grandfather, or their uncles, or their cousins, or themselves…that’s a power that cannot be explained.

It’s the power to strip people of their status as The Other.

14. Down on the Corner - Creedence Clearwater Revival

My son is getting to an age where I think memories are starting to form and shape in his mind.

Nothing too significant — I think — but I’m excited to see how this moves and changes over the next few years.

Watching him grow, day by day, I wonder what I was like when I was his age, and how my parents handled the many glories and challenges that children bring.

12. Streets of Your Town - The Go Betweens

There’s a path, in Brisbane, that takes you through Spring Hill, along the Queen Street tangle and down to the riverfront.

Sadly, Brisbane hasn’t been able to escape the curse of metropolitan river fronts around Australia — the monuments to unclean windows and overpriced menus known as riverside precincts.

But if you look carefully, there’s a footpath next to one of the 1980s-styled palazzos that leads you to a set of stairs. Follow these and you find yourself on the City Reach Boardwalk.

22. Went Looking for Warren Zevon's Los Angeles - Lucero

It means that details – millimetres, clearances, timber types, grain direction, etc – are terribly important.

And it was this precision that I found so intimidating.

I could measure something twice and get three results. I’d get tangled in the specifics of task and over-think it so much that it’d result in errors on errors on errors.

23. Let Me Be Mine - Spoon

One of my favourite things about my runs to Maryborough – besides the biscuits and finding crumbs in my shirt on the long drive home, with an embarrassed smile and lick of the thumb to get them all – is the drive.

It sits between Bendigo and Ballarat, so it’s off the main highways.