All tagged Friends

31. Dammit - Blink 182

I think it’s a rite of passage for people now to say that “when we were kids, Triple J was way better.”

Which is weird, because in my case it was way better…!

Or, more accurately, the songs they were playing when my ears started opening up have stuck with me, embedding them with more meaning and weight than otherwise would have been the case.

30. Cigarettes Will Kill You - Ben Lee

Today, it’s still a helluva song.

But back then, in 1999, it was at the tip of the spear puncturing Australian music’s bogan habits.

Not for Mr Lee power chords and smashing pots. His voice is thin, nasal and reedy, but utterly confident and bracing as it dances along that melody.

9. All My Friends - LCD Soundsystem

It’s not the same, of course, it never can be. The relentless progress of life and time has seen to that — in ways positive and negative, of course.

But we’re there, in each other’s lives to varying and fluctuating degrees.

There have been 18th’s, 21st’s, engagements, weddings, marriages, kids, dinners, lunches, barbecues, laughs, late nights, too many whisky’s and long phonecalls.